Sold Items » Personal Items » George Nader


Price: $ 40.00   (Sold Items » Personal Items » George Nader)


IMG_1159 IMG_1159

Asian, blue, purple and orange floral/scenic design-folding fan.  Georges mother traveled around the world to many exoctic ports.   This piece was something George  kept along with others of his mothers.

  • Size: 17" w x 10" h
  • Signed: no
  • Owned By: George Nader
  • Type: Personal Item

Comments (9)
Is it Vera-Ellen or Mary Peach?
# 9
Friday, 09 September 2016
Brian C.
Although I imagine this query has long been settled by now, I still thought I"d throw in my two cents and affirm that the lady in question is definitely Mary Peach, who of course played Mr. Hudson's wife in "A Gathering of Eagles". To make sure, I did an image search on Yahoo and sure enough, there was the very photo you have on your site.

Best regards, Brian.
Newsletter 63
# 8
Sunday, 04 September 2016
Alice Smith
Thank you Marty for the recent newsletter, always look forward to them.Rock is my all time star, I have fifty five of his movies and the full "McMillan" series. My all time best loved is "All That Heaven Allows", have watched it so many times know all the dialogue by heart. Marty, I was saddened when I read the newsletter. How cruel were the media and I couldn't believe jokes could have been made about a man so desperately ill. These people should have been more compassionate. He was a brilliant actor and so lovely to look at.
When is the third book available, I did ask previously about this and you replied it was not ready for publication, could you please give me an update as I do want to purchase it.
I know Rock was not religious but I pray for him and have been doing so for many years.
Thank you again Marty for the very informative Newsletter. I will look forward to hearing from you again.
Sincerely Ali Smith
My Penny
# 7
Sunday, 04 October 2015
fred anzevino
When Rock was in Paris at the Pasteur dying I sent him a note with a old penny I found in my coin collection hoping it would bring him good luck with his health issues-it was a very sad scary time for all of us and his passing the way he did still tugs at my Rock
audio tape of Liberty Martin for sale
# 6
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Kirk Cordell
I have an original audio tape of Liberty Martin discussing in shocking candor Marc Christian's friends, Rock Hudson's relationship with Marc, the then-in-progress lawsuit of Rock's estate by Marc, and other salacious anecdotes and commentary on famous personalities.

Some highlights include her opinions of DAVID BOWIE ("He's a pervert," ROGER WATERS ("He isn't just a homosexual, he is a deviant") and Marc's friends who she despised.

Also on the tape is an anecdote about her attendance at her friend JAMES BROWN's concert where someone stole her prized possession, a fur coat.

Will sell to the highest bidder between now and June 3. PayPal and credit card only.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Martin Flaherty
I may be interested. I posted this email for all to see to maybe help you out. Email me and we can talk further.
Possible item to buy
# 5
Monday, 26 August 2013
Do you have any of rock's dressing room studio key rings
I see his home is for sale fo $600,000 what a beautiful house!
books value
# 4
Wednesday, 02 January 2013
ailbe sadlier
i have 11 books by g.g.cunningham the english nation how do i get them valued
Wednesday, 02 January 2013
Martin Flaherty
Thank you for coming to my site. One of the best ways to find a value on books is go to ABEBOOKS.COM and enter the parameters of your book(s). Then when all the others come up arrange them from highest to lowest in value. At times one may have one for $500.00, then the next four are between $200 & $300.00. Chances are that is the value of said book. I hope this helps.
Wonderful book
# 3
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Alan Light
I just received your book yesterday and could not put it down until I finished it. It is so unique, fascinating and riveting. Thank you. In it you mention your "next book" and I really look forward to that.
# 2
Sunday, 18 July 2010
To complet my collection I'm seeking for some Rock's movies, TV Shows and documentaries not realesed as :
1. "Fine Pair", "Here come the Nelsons",
2. "Marilyn narrated by Rock","SuperstuntII"(TV1981),"Circus of The Stars 5 (TV1981),"The star Maker" (TV 1981),"The Beverly Hillbillies: the official third season"
3. I do I do
4. "R.H.:Acting The Part"(1999),"R.H.:Tall,Dark and Handsome"(1989)
Asian Flat Cloth Dolls
# 1
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Margaret Dent

Have you any idea of the age of these dolls; what would be your best price for 1 or more. I think the 9 should stay together.


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Updated: Friday, 07 February 2025 19:09
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